Thursday, June 29, 2023

Happy Pride!

 🌈 Let's Celebrate Love and Diversity! 🌈

Today, I stand proudly in support of LGBTQ+ rights, because love knows no boundaries and everyone deserves equal rights and respect. 🌍❤️🏳️‍🌈

In a world that thrives on diversity, let's embrace and celebrate our LGBTQ+ community for their bravery, resilience, and the countless contributions they have made to society. 🙌🌈

Every individual deserves the right to express their true selves, to love and be loved without fear or judgment. Let's reject discrimination and stereotypes, and instead, build a society filled with acceptance, understanding, and equality for all.🤝🌈❤️

To all my LGBTQ+ friends, know that I am here to support you, to stand by your side, and to amplify your voices. Your love and identities are valid, beautiful, and powerful. Together, we can create a world where everyone can live as their authentic selves, free from discrimination. 🌍🌈

Join me in spreading love and acceptance by sharing this post, and let's continue to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights every single day. 🗣️🤗

Remember, love is love, and love always wins! 🌈❤️🏳️‍🌈

#LGBTQ+Rights #LoveIsLove #EqualityForAll

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Easy Chicken Gnocci Recipe


Chicken Gnocci

This is an affordable and easy recipe that really fills you up. This serves about 4 people. I recommend serving with a side salad and garlic bread but it's good on its own. Doing the math, this meal cost about $6 to make not including the cost of spices and foil. It taste just as good as you would find at an Italian restaurant. 


  • One Chicken Breast
  • Package of Gnocci- 1lb
  • Jar of Alfredo- 16oz
  • Frozen Spinach- 6oz
  • Seasonings to taste
  • Bake the chicken breast with some garlic, onion powder, salt, pepper, and any other seasonings you could like to add (I recommend a little thyme and rosemary), in a pocket of foil on a sheet pan at 450F for about 30 minutes or until it's white all the way through. When it's done, open the foil and let the chicken rest until cooled enough to shred. 
  • Set a pot of salted water to boil while you shred the chicken. Put it in a bowl.
  • Dump your gnocci in the boiling water. When the gnocci is done, it will float to the surface for you to skim out and put in a bowl with the chicken.
  • Put your spinach in the pan and cook just enough to unthaw it and then add the bowl with gnocci and chicken. 
  • Add the alfredo and then add one jar of water. Put the lid back on and give it a good shake to get out the stubborn sauce still clinging to the jar. Jump it in the pot and stir everything together. 
  • Add salt and pepper to taste, give it a good stir, and cover on low to warm everything up together but don't let it go for very long, the goal is to warm everything up. 
  • Serve it in a bowl as it might be a little soupy (which is good).

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

My Honest Opinion on Shadowlands and the Recent Drama


I want to be real with you guys for just a moment. As much as I like the story, I just can not get into the content of shadowlands. 

It feels like a chore to get get through some of the story. I do not like all the areas and would rather not do them but to progress to the others you have to go through their part in the story. I honestly haven't even made it to end game to see what the big hook for gear is this time around. Thankfully it's not another heart of Azaroth. That was annoying to not be able to upgrade my neck piece to a point of usefulness without slaving away like I'm working at a second job. 

I will, however, commend Blizz on the new sets being pretty and things I actually want to add to my collection. And the mounts, I really want to have a go at some of the mounts for sure. So the cosmetics are amazing at least. 

Now, game complaints aside, the recent drama and my take on it. I'm not going to quit WoW over this or any other Blizzard games. I hear it now, people are saying 'but Enzi they did the bad things'. Yes. Even if they did the bad things, some of those who have dealt with it and don't want to abandon their positions on the project have been asking we not boycott over it. They contributed to the content as much as the others and honestly, their contributions have been some of my favorite. I feel like boycotting the company would be hurting those we would be doing it for. None of us want that. So if you like the game, play it. If you don't like the game, don't play it. I'm just having fun with my D&D groups in game at this point. 

Oh, that reminds me, if you want to join in those shenanigans and you're on Moonguard (Shh, I know the server's rep and it's okay) alliance side let me know. I have a fun witch hunting storyline going at the moment in Boralus. 

What do you guys think about Shadowlands? 

Monday, September 13, 2021

My Social, Gaming, Discord Server

Hello! I've been debating for a while about posting my discord server here and finally decided to go for it. Everyone is welcome to join. We sometimes have gaming nights and randomly jump in voice chat just to hang out. The server started out as a place for twitch streamers to post their link and connect with other creators. 

Click Here To Join

Sunday, August 8, 2021

I'm an INFJ

 I took the Myers-Briggs personality test for the past six or so years in a row now and always get the same result: INFJ. Apparently this is one of the rarest personality types and therefore everyone seems to find it fascinating, myself included. Everything I have read about this personality type resonates with me. In this blog entry, I'm going to break it down and then provide some of my favorite resources. 

What does INFJ stand for? 

Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. 

What does it mean?

  • Introverted- These people prefer to look inward than outward. Alone time recharges them but that doesn't mean they only enjoy being alone. They make very good listeners. 
  • Intuitive- This personality trait means you are more of an idealist than a practical person. You look for deeper meanings, see things in a more creative light, and enjoy planning the future. 
  • Feeling- As you might expect, this group is more focused on emotions than brain work. They're very warm and caring and if they had a motto it would be 'follow your heart'. They crave opportunities to take care of others and need to feel like they are selfless to feel meaning in life. 
  • Judging- Lists are life! Planning is the way! Going off said plans or taking things too far off the path stress these people out. Rules and laws give them comfort in their actions.

That is a lot of information and there is a ton more out there. I recommend looking on the official website at the links above for more information and to take the test yourself. 

Here's some random little things I found

One of my favorite youtubers who covers the subject is Frank James.

And check out this compatibility chart. It makes me wonder where my friends fit.

There's a lot of fun infographics on google.

If you made it this far, what is your personality type? 

Monday, August 2, 2021

I found a chocolate cake in a mug recipe! The cake it not a lie!

I know I'm a few years behind the trend but wow, this was good. Go forth and try it! Also, look up other simple mug cake recipes. I know I'm going to be trying a few more of these. Sorry I ate it all before I could get a picture so I found one online :)

All Recipes Chocolate Cake Mug! Click Here!

Sunday, June 20, 2021

It has been FOREVER

 Holy cow I haven't been here in like... nearly a year. Needless to say a lot of things have been going on. I think the only way to go over everything is to make a list. I might go into detail about things later but this is just a quick recap of my nerdy geeky life and the unusual turns it has taken.

  • Flying/tap commander is probably the best idea ever. Angels cost a lot. Pleasestopbuyingmeangels.
  • A valid eevee deck is going to be a reality very soon. Japan already has the cards. We're next.
  • Wandavision is amazing and I not so low key have a fangirl crush on Vision now. Loki is probably next. Tony Stark is still top tier. 
  • The Giant Monkey vs Giant Lizard movie needs a seizure warning.
  • Sometimes you have to say goodbye to your best friends. Sometimes people from your past you thought you would never hear from again jump through hoops to reach out to you. Thank you, you were just in time.
  • Remembering the past is nice. Living in the present is better. Looking to the future is scary and uncertain. 
  • Sometimes the right choice is not to make a choice but to change yourself.
  • You never know what people go through until you sit down and listen to their story. It makes radical ideas sometimes seem necessary. 
  • It's easier to believe in others than it is to believe in one's self. 
  • COVID is butt and I never want to hear about it or any of the buzz words surrounding it again... even if some really good things came of it for my camp, a lot of horrible things happened for other people. 

I know there were a lot of vague things here but I felt like it was best to keep things open ended for now. Those of you who know me will know exactly what I mean and I will hopefully remember it all. I'm currently considering finally returning to school with a plan that feels right and not just a ploy to make money. I'm not even sure I can make a living off what I want to do. It starts with an associates degree in Human Services so you know I'm finally living up to myself and planning to do some good for others. On that note, I want my friends to know I'm a safe person to come out to; happy pride a little late. 

I plan to post nerdy distraction fun things soooon! 
While you wait, join my gaming discord ---> HERE